News Releases

BluStor's™ CyberGate™ Platform Addresses Critical Cybersecurity Challenges Presented at This Week's RSA Security and HIMSS Healthcare Conferences
CyberGate platform - the first to secure individuals' ID and data with multiple biometrics in one smart card-sized solution - begins shipping next month

CHICAGO, Feb. 29, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- As the annual RSA and HIMSS conferences – two of the biggest shows in the cybersecurity and healthcare industries, respectively – kick off this week, BluStor has announced that it will begin shipping in March its CyberGate cybersecurity platform. BluStor's CyberGate is uniquely positioned to tackle the most critical cybersecurity challenges that will be examined at this week's conferences.

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One of those challenges is the notion that the two-factor authentication (2FA) products currently on exhibit at this week's RSA conference are secure enough for the user. In fact, the 2FA products currently on the market primarily rely on securing the networks and devices but not the individual.

"Other authentication solutions rely on 'what you know', such as usernames and passwords, and 'what you have', which is a physical security device, but they fail to positively identify and secure the individual," Finis Conner, BluStor's founder and CEO, says.

"Our CyberGate platform effectively returns to the person control of his or her identity. That's what BluStor's long-term charter is," Conner says. "With our platform, the individual has ownership when it comes to protecting his or her identity rather than relinquishing control to a device that was never secure to begin with."

Meanwhile, in the healthcare sector, a main talking point at this week's HIMSS conference will address the problem of how failing to adequately secure the individual can carry with it catastrophic costs.

Specifically, medical devices have become exceptionally vulnerable targets, with potentially life-threatening consequences, as explained in the recent Bloomberg article, "It's way too easy to hack the hospital." The article details how a security analyst was able to easily compromise the security of a number of hospital medical devices, including a drug infusion pump.  

In addition, as recently as this month, hackers were able to penetrate a hospital's network and demand a $3.8M ransom after encrypting critical data on hospital servers using a key known only to the hackers. The hospital ultimately paid the hackers $17,000 in untraceable bitcoins, ushering in a scary, new era where healthcare providers are now more vulnerable than ever to cybercriminals.

In the wake of these ongoing and increasingly dangerous cyberattacks, BluStor's CyberGate platform can prevent and protect against them by positively securing the individual. It does this by ensuring individuals are who they say they are and that they are authorized to perform the transaction they are requesting.

Through the use of multi-factor biometrics – which includes face, voice, iris and even multiple fingers – CyberGate seamlessly provides users an unparalleled level of security. By extending beyond two-factor authentication, CyberGate can exponentially increase the level of security with 3, 4, 5 or more factors of authentication.

The BluStor CyberGate Secure Mobile Briefcase (SMB) will begin shipping next month. The product will include BluStor firmware, BluStor GateKeeper application software and a Software Development Kit (SDK). Visit BluStor to place your order.

About BluStor
BluStor CyberGate SMB is the only cyber security solution you need in the digital and mobile world. Designed for government, enterprise, healthcare, medical and financial services markets, the CyberGate SMB platform is the first – and only – solution to address the full array of digital security: device, user and data. For more information, visit, telephone 312-840-8250 or email

Lorne Wilson